Celebrate Summer!
August 30, 2017

As August comes to a close I am reminded of so many amazing people that have touched my life through my show travels over the years, last weekend was no exception. The American Folk Festival has been a great event for me the past 3 years. I'm able to connect with my friends and clients located down east as well as meet folks that are from many other places, even outside of Maine!

I am forever grateful for the love and support that is shown for me, my work, as well as the connections I have with these lovely folks. It fills my heart and makes me smile knowing that these are my people, they get me....they get my work and their smiles are a reflection of how what I create brings them joy. What goes around truly does go around!

Over the weekend I had an amazing opportunity to have breakfast on Sunday with women who was ageless and full of life in her 80's. She had ordered earrings from me several weeks before the show, unable to make the long walk through the festival we connected in person and enjoyed some coffee and Maine blueberry muffins(Jordan Marsh recipe to be exact!). Bette and her daughter Cam were a true joy to get to know. We shared conversation about my love of creating my work, their family history and Bette's love of big earrings, short hair and good food. We had much in common needless to say!

I am forever grateful to my roady, jewelry bitch and strong partner Pam who does all that she can to make this kind of travel and camping experiences little bit of fun and work too! Our trusty "Rivet" the Bambi Airstream means we can travel with our dogs, have our little home on wheels and enjoy the comforts of home in a 16ft camper. How lucky are we????

As the calendar turns to September I'll be traveling back to Pennsylvania on the10th to be a part of the
Clover Market in Chestnut Hill. Staying with Mom in PA, I get to connect with my family in PA and friends in NJ that live nearby!! These markets are full of beautifully hand crafted items and antique finds that are thoughtfully displayed and carefully curated. One day show that's worth the trip if your in the area! Then as the end of September and my birthday approaches I will be at the best fair ever!! Please look for me at the
Common Ground Fair September 22-24, I'll be in my spot across from Liberty Graphics in the large craft tent, booth #45. This quite frankly is the event I wait all year for and having it so close to my Birthday is a great reason to celebrate our awesome way of life in Maine! Hope that your summer has been grand and enjoy the last days of soft light and cool nights. Warmly, Anita
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December 06, 2020