Let's Celebrate!

March 21, 2016 11 Comments

Let's Celebrate!

Let's Celebrate Finn's 2nd Birthday!

Today is an amazing day! It's Finn Lockwood's 2nd Birthday and a milestone for  this little CHD toddler. No longer a baby, Finn has moved into the his toddler years with joyful exuberance and sustained heart health. There could be nothing better than to celebrate the day with organic Carrot Cake cupcakes made by his Grammy Pammy, party hats for us all, gifts and time spent together with Finn, his older brother Holden, and his Mom & Dad.

 Perfect day all around......oh and then there's the little donation we mailed today to the Children's Heart Foundation in Finn's honor. Yes it was a big day for Finn and for CHD research, as well as my immense joy in being able to pay it forward. I held the checks, Finn held the Heart Strength Necklaces that I created to raise money and we laughed, we rejoiced and gave thanks for all of you that made this happen.

 Well beyond my goal, well beyond my expectation, well beyond what I could have imagined could happen on social media....a total of $5,650 was raised from sales in my February fund raising campaign. Yep....we did that! As Anita Roelz of Circle Stone Designs, I created a line of jewelry that will continue to give back. I have added Heart Strength Designs to my CSD website and I will make Heart Strong pieces all year long. I committ to give 30% of the gross proceeds of the sale of every Heart Strength creation to the Children's Heart Foundation until January 31, 2017. Logohs

So the creating of heart jewelry  will continue, the money raised will still be donated for CHD research and Finn will continue to grow. I'll keep you informed with has progress and this Finn the Fighter will march through his life and all of his family will be with him every step of the way. Thank you for your support and giving hearts. <3 Grateful Heart Hugs to you all.  Anita

11 Responses


September 22, 2020



September 22, 2020



September 06, 2020



September 06, 2020


Grace Richter
Grace Richter

July 21, 2019

I just saw your beautiful jewelry for the first time in Down East. Love it!


May 24, 2016

So proud of YOU! xoxoxo

Circle Stone Designs
Circle Stone Designs

May 24, 2016

Thanks Carol!! <3 <3

Lisa Mossel Vietze
Lisa Mossel Vietze

May 24, 2016

Awesome!! Love this! Congrats and great work.

Lisa Mossel Vietze | Archipelago Director | Island Institute | 386 Main Street | P.O. Box 648 | Rockland, ME 04841 | 207.596.0701 | www.thearchipelago.net| | www.islandinstitute.org |
Circle Stone Designs
Circle Stone Designs

May 24, 2016

Thank you Lisa, it’s been an amazing journey!!

Steve Reynolds
Steve Reynolds

May 24, 2016

Hello Anita,
Happy Birthday to Finn!!
What a great thing your are doing. Your an amazing woman❤️
Give Pam my love ❤️
Need to order #5
For my honey!!
She wants a long chain, please guide me on this.
We are in Minneapolis on our way to Los Angeles to visit our babies!
Let me know what to do next.

Circle Stone Designs
Circle Stone Designs

May 24, 2016

Hi Steve!! I have 4 of the necklaces listed on the website with options for chains. There willbe 6 more options posted tomorrow if you care to wait. They are all the same shapes as the first 4, just other metal options, i.e. Brass & Silver options for each shape.
You can order from the website http://www.circlestonedesigns.com/shop
or text me at 603-475-0762 or email circlestonedesignsmaine@gmail.com Have a safe trip to see the family!! xo Anita

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