yes I am a metalsmith.
January 17, 2015
[caption id="attachment_486" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

Wrap Ring[/caption] [caption id="attachment_487" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

Copper Cuff[/caption] As I begin 2015 coming out of a flu slump that was not only debilitating, but also time-consuming, I have found my time best spent dreaming. Being inspired by the snow as it falls and creates a fresh white blanket on the world outside my window. Being inspired by reading books(lovely gifts from friends) that have strong visual images of nature. Being inspired by piles of my Maine beach stones that I have collected over the past year. Truly being inspired by new rolls of fresh silver wire, thick and thin, thick sheets of raw materials in silver, brass and copper, even a little gold shimmers in my stash of materials. Old copper pipes of many sizes waiting to be made into upcycled jewelry sit in their special spot oxidizing and exciting me with their natural patina. Raw and ready to be formed with my cherished and honored antique tools, some new ones this year and my favorites from the beginnings of my metalsmithing journey. Yes I am a metalsmith, this I know and this I will always be. This year will be a year of more growth in my journey as a metalsmith, a woman who uses hammers of many weights and material of varying thicknesses. I move the metal with my hammers, I heat it and hammer, then repeat many times to achieve the pattern, texture and shape I am looking for. Sculpting the metal with each blow of the hammer, finally shaping to create a finished piece. I will push myself in directions that I never thought I would, just as I do with my hammers. I will stay true to my soul and create elemental and organic designs that carry a raw even urban quality. Wear them every day, take them everywhere, they will never disappoint and yes they will become a part of you. They will transmit to you the energy that each piece was created with. The stones will give you earth energy, the metal will give you strength, oh and yes you will get the attention of others with these pieces. They will inspire conversation and allow you to explore your connection to the work. Not tiny, not timid, not flimsy or delicate, no that is not who I am or what I create. I see the world through bold eyes with few limits. I see the work I create on both men and women. I see my work on others and a smile, I see me in each and every piece. Every hammer blow that creates every texture is my story, I am a metalsmith. [caption id="attachment_490" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

Hand Forged Cuffs & Wrap Ring[/caption] [caption id="attachment_489" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

Stump Station[/caption] [caption id="attachment_488" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

I am a Metal Smith[/caption]
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